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Greenwashing is the use of deceiving communication techniques to promote products or services as environmentally-friendly, despite not having sustainable criteria. It can be subtle, such as using green colors and soothing tones in packaging, or obvious, like claiming a product is chemical-free but hiding its environmentally-harmful production. 

Aggiungi qui il testo dell'intestazione

Greenwashing is the use of deceiving communication techniques to promote products or services as environmentally-friendly, despite not having sustainable criteria. It can be subtle, such as using green colors and soothing tones in packaging, or obvious, like claiming a product is chemical-free but hiding its environmentally-harmful production. This issue harms both consumers who seek sustainable choices and the environment due to increased pollution. To avoid greenwashing, it’s crucial to read labels and product information critically and choose companies that genuinely commit to environmental sustainability and transparent practices.

Aggiungi qui il testo dell'intestazione

Greenwashing is the use of deceiving communication techniques to promote products or services as environmentally-friendly, despite not having sustainable criteria. It can be subtle, such as using green colors and soothing tones in packaging, or obvious, like claiming a product is chemical-free but hiding its environmentally-harmful production.

This issue harms both consumers who seek sustainable choices and the environment due to increased pollution. To avoid greenwashing, it’s crucial to read labels and product information critically and choose companies that genuinely commit to environmental sustainability and transparent practices.

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